Schwedt/Oder, 10. März 2023

Das CleanTech Start-up BIO-LUTIONS strebt eine übertragende Sanierung in Eigenverwaltung an. Ziel des Verfahrens ist es, strategische Investoren zu finden, die den Weg für die nächste Generation von Naturfaserprodukten ebnen und die nächsten Schritte in der industriellen Produktion ermöglichen.

BIO LUTIONS, ein hoch innovatives CleanTech Start-up aus dem Bereich der faserbasierten Verpackungen und Einwegprodukte, welches die weltweit erste industrielle Dry Moulding Anlage aufgebaut hat, stellt sich neu auf. Das Amtsgericht Neuruppin entsprach einem Antrag der Geschäftsführung und ordnete am 10.03.2023 die vorläufige Eigenverwaltung über das Vermögen der BIO-LUTIONS Deutschland GmbH und BIO-LUTIONS International AG an.

Mit dem gerichtlichen Insolvenzverfahren in Eigenverwaltung strebt BIO-LUTIONS die Veräußerung an einen finanzstarken strategischen Investor an, der das in der Hochlaufphase befindliche Start-up auf die nächste Entwicklungsstufe heben soll. „Wir sehen den M&A-Prozess als Chance, einen neuen Partner zu finden mit dem wir das Potential der Dry Moulding Technologie realisieren können“, sagt Fabian Holtkamp, Geschäftsführer der BIO-LUTIONS Deutschland GmbH.

Der Schritt in die Restrukturierung begründet sich durch einen Liquiditätsengpass. Die bisherigen Investoren waren aufgrund des geänderten Marktumfelds mit den gestiegenen Zinsen nicht mehr in der Lage, trotz großem Zukunftspotenzial des Produkts, Mittel zur Verfügung zu stellen. „Wichtig ist zu betonen, dass unser Geschäftsbetrieb ungehindert weiterläuft“, so BIO-LUTIONS Deutschland-Geschäftsführer Dr. Stefan Lummitsch. „Wir arbeiten in unser Produktionshalle in Schwedt unverändert an Testproduktionsstrecken und Zertifizierungsverfahren und sind zuversichtlich, bald mit Aufträgen eine eigenständige Produktion zu starten.“

Die Chancen, einen strategischen Partner zu finden, sind aussichtsreich: „Das Investoren-Interesse ist groß und wir führen derzeit vielversprechende Gespräche mit unterschiedlichen Interessenten – das stimmt uns optimistisch“, berichtet Holtkamp. Ein weiteres positives Zeichen kommt aus der Politik und von den kreditgebenden Banken vor Ort, die für den Erhalt des Unternehmens am Standort Schwedt alle an einem Strang ziehen. Begleitet wird das Unternehmen bei der Restrukturierung von den Sanierungsexperten der Kanzlei Baker Tilly.


BIO-LUTIONS: Pionier in der Produktion nachhaltiger Verpackungs- und Einwegprodukte
BIO-LUTIONS ist ein hoch innovatives CleanTech Start-up aus dem Bereich nachhaltiger, faserbasierter Verpackungslösungen. Das Unternehmen hat sich auf die Entwicklung und Herstellung von biologisch abbaubaren und recyclingfähigen Einwegprodukten auf Basis von natürlichen Fasern spezialisiert. Hergestellt werden diese im innovativen Dry Moulding Verfahren. Durch den Verzicht auf Gas und nur minimalen Wasserbedarf bietet das Verfahren große ökologische und ökonomische Potentiale. Des Weiteren wandelt BIO-LUTIONS landwirtschaftliche Reststoffe rein mechanisch in einzigartige, selbstbindende Naturfasern (fibcro®) um. Dieses patentierte Verfahren macht den Einsatz von Bindemitteln oder chemischen Holzaufschluss überflüssig.


Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:


Fabian Holtkamp, Vorstand
BIO-LUTIONS International AG
E-Mail: [email protected]


Norbert Wulf
Manager Marketing & Communications
Tel: +49 211 6901-4738
E-Mail: [email protected]

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Schwedt/Oder, 10th March 2023

The CleanTech start-up BIO-LUTIONS is seeking a transferring reorganisation in self-administration. The aim of the proceeding is to find strategic investors who will pave the way for the next generation of natural fibre products and enable the next steps in the industrial production.

BIO LUTIONS, a highly innovative CleanTech start-up in the field of fibre-based packaging and disposable products, which has established the world’s first industrial dry moulding facility, is repositioning itself. The local court of Neuruppin complied with an application by the management and ordered preliminary self-administration over the assets of BIO-LUTIONS Deutschland and BIO-LUTIONS International AG on 10 March 2023.

Through the insolvency proceedings in self-administration, BIO-LUTIONS is aiming to sell the company to a financially strong strategic investor who will take the company, which is in its ramp-up phase, to the next development stage. “We consider the M&A process an opportunity to find a new partner with whom we can realise the potential of the dry moulding technology,” says Fabian Holtkamp, Managing Director of BIO-LUTIONS Deutschland GmbH.

The step into restructuring is based on a liquidity shortage. Due to the changed market environment with increased interest rates, previous investors were no longer able to provide funds despite the product’s great future potential. “It is important to emphasise that our business operations continue unhindered,” explains BIO-LUTIONS Deutschland Managing Director Dr Stefan Lummitsch. “We are still working on test production lines and certification procedures in our production hall in Schwedt and are confident that we will soon be able to start our own production and fulfil orders.

Chances of finding a strategic partner are promising: “Investor interest is high and we are currently holding promising talks with various interested parties – that gives us cause for optimism,” reports Holtkamp. Another positive sign comes from politics and the local lending banks, who joined forces to ensure the company’s continuation in Schwedt. The company is being supported in its repositioning by the restructuring experts from the law firm Baker Tilly.


BIO-LUTIONS: Pioneer in the production of sustainable packaging and single use products
BIO-LUTIONS is a highly innovative CleanTech start-up in the field of sustainable, fibre-based packaging solutions. The company specialises in the development and production of biodegradable and recyclable single-use products made from natural fibres. These are manufactured using the innovative dry moulding process. Due to the fact that no gas is used and only minimal water is required, the production process holds great ecological and economic potential. Furthermore, BIO-LUTIONS mechanically converts agricultural residues into unique, self-binding natural fibres (fibcro®). This patented process eliminates the need for binding agents or chemical wood pulping.


For further information please contact:


Fabian Holtkamp, Managing Director
BIO-LUTIONS International AG
E-Mail: [email protected]

Press contact

Norbert Wulf
Manager Marketing & Communications
Tel: +49 211 6901-4738
E-Mail: [email protected]

Click here for the press release (PDF) in English

Click here for the press release PDF in German

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – 16.08.2022

The Colombian Eduardo Gordillo was looking for sustainable packaging. Now he makes them himself, using a globally unique process.

How many disposable packages have you used in the past two weeks? Coffee on the go, a snack at the kiosk, chips at the swimming pool? The used material leaves an ecological mark that makes some people think. But the moral questioning of one’s own consumer behaviour could soon become unnecessary.

The Bio-Lutions factory in Schwedt, Brandenburg, near the Polish border, is very inconspicuous in the industrial area of the border town. With 2000 square metres, it has the dimensions of a medium-sized concert hall, black paint, and it is noisy inside. Because in the brand new production facility…

Click here for the whole article. (German only)

The German Clean Tech Startup BIO-LUTIONS and PulPac, the Dry Molded Fiber pioneer are natural allies in their objective to replace single-use plastics globally. Together with machine suppliers, they have developed a Dry Molded Fiber production line, set to start production in the new BIO-LUTIONS factory in Schwedt/Oder, Germany by the summer of 2022.

BIO-LUTIONS mechanically converts agricultural residues into unique, self-binding, durable fibcro® natural fibers. This patented method eliminates the need for binding agents or chemical cellulose isolation, as the whole fiber is used. From these fibers together with the dry moulding technology, BIO-LUTIONS will produce a variety of sustainable single-use disposable products such as service food items (cutlery and tableware) as well as protein,fruit and vegetable packaging. By introducing the new dry moulding technology provided by PulPac, production can now benefit from the unique cost and quality advantages compared to existing cellulose forming solutions.

The cooperation with PulPac opens the door to an additional production technology for fibre moulding, allowing for technology diversification as well as optimisation of dry moulding processes. The Dry Molded Fiber technology saves significant amounts of valuable water resources and energy, resulting in up to 80% lower CO2 footprint compared to alternatives. The process is extremely fast and more efficient than conventional fiber forming methods. While the Dry Molded Fiber technology will not be used for all BIO-LUTIONS’ products, it does offer significant production advantages for a large variety of single-use products.

“Each company brings something unique and valuable to the table. Being able to create partnerships that prioritize creating real solutions to the plastic age, rather than trying to build walls is what will make true change possible. That is why we are very excited to include dry moulding from PulPac as a second core production technique” Eduardo Gordillo, CEO BIO-LUTIONS.

“BIO-LUTIONS is an innovative and fast-moving partner. We share a doer attitude and a clear-cut commitment to replace single-use plastics at scale. Having products on the market already this year will take the concept of sustainable packaging a big leap forward. We look forward to a long-term partnership where we can share know-how and expertise to leverage the full potential of dry moulding within BIO-LUTIONS’ operations and customer network.” says Linus Larsson, CEO, PulPac AB.


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23. March 2022, Hamburg:

BIO-LUTIONS, a German CleanTech Startup pioneering the world of natural fiber manufacturing, is working with Solenis, a leading global producer of specialty chemicals to produce sustainable disposable alternatives to single-use plastic.


BIO-LUTIONS a Hamburg-based CleanTech company, mechanically converts agricultural residues into unique, self-binding, durable fibcro® natural fibers. This patented method eliminates the need for binding agents or chemical cellulose isolation, as the fiber itself is used. From these fibers,

BIO-LUTIONS creates a variety of sustainable single-use disposable products and packaging. Solenis, a leading global producer of specialty chemicals, is partnering with BIO-LUTIONS, to develop more sustainable disposable products to replace various single-use plastic products in food packaging applications.

BIO-LUTIONS is using Solenis’ portfolio of barrier coatings for fiber-based products, which includes a range of products that repel water and water vapor, hot and cold liquids and oils and greases. These barrier coatings are available as either water-based polymer emulsions or solid biowaxes and are produced using the highest level of renewable raw material content currently feasible. Most importantly, fiber-based products coated with these barrier coatings typically are repulpable, recyclable, compostable and biodegradable, thereby offering packaging producers a way to improve their sustainability credentials with brand owners, retailers and consumers.

“The demand for sustainable packaging has increased dramatically in recent years as consumers have become more mindful of the effects their buying choices have on the environment,” said Richard Brooks, Global Packaging Director, Food Packaging at Solenis. “Being a technology partner with such a new and innovative company like BIO-LUTIONS will allow a close working relationship where we can exchange ideas that hopefully lead to faster innovation and the creation of more sustainable disposable products for the food and beverage paper packaging market.”

“The extensive experience and know-how of Solenis is a great addition to our technical expertise in agricultural fiber-based product manufacturing. Our joint development of new barrier formulations for these products will create even more sustainable solutions for the market,” said Eduardo Gordillo, Founder and CEO of BIO-LUTIONS International AG. “The goal of our collaboration is to create innovative formulas for optimal symbiosis between the barriers and our fibcro® fibers, to meet the increased demand for sustainable solutions in the food and beverage industry. We are excited to work with the industry leader, Solenis, and to start addressing the complex challenges of the market together.”




BIO-LUTIONS is a Hamburg-based Clean Tech company that mechanically converts agricultural residues into unique, self-binding, durable fibcro® natural fibers. This patented method eliminates the need for binding agents or chemical cellulose isolation. The unique production process gives previously unused agricultural residues a second life as raw materials. These fibcro® natural fibers can now be used to produce sustainable packaging and disposable tableware, among other things. These sustainable products offer an optimal alternative to common products made of paper and plastic. The concept of decentralized production is a fundamental aspect of the BIO-LUTIONS philosophy because sustainable materials must also be sustainably sourced. The German Clean Tech start-up was founded in 2017 and is currently expanding in Asia and Europe. The first factory was opened in Bangalore, India, and is now being followed by the approximately 1800m2 production facility in Schwedt, Germany.

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About Solenis

Solenis is a leading global producer of specialty chemicals, focused on delivering sustainable solutions for water-intensive industries, including the pulp, packaging paper and board, tissue and towel, oil and gas, petroleum refining, chemical processing, mining, biorefining, power, municipal, and pool and spa markets. The company’s product portfolio includes a broad array of water treatment chemistries, process aids and functional additives, as well as state-of-the-art monitoring and control systems. These technologies are used by customers to improve operational efficiencies, enhance product quality, protect plant assets, minimize environmental impact and maintain healthy water. Headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware, the company has 47 manufacturing facilities strategically located around the globe and employs a team of over 6,000 professionals in 120 countries across five continents. Solenis is a 2021 US Best Managed Company.

For additional information about Solenis, please visit or follow us on social media.


For more Information please contact:

Celine Brockmann – Corporate Communications and Marketing Manager BIO-LUTIONS

E-Mail: [email protected]


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24. February 2022, Hamburg:


We are thrilled to announce that BIO-LUTIONS is part of this year’s FoodTech500 by Forward Fooding, the world’s first definitive list of the global entrepreneurial talent at the intersection between food, technology, and sustainability.

This year’s FoodTech500 ranking has finally been announced and we at BIO-LUTIONS are extremely happy to share with you that on our first application to the list, we ranked at a fantastic 80th place among some of the world’s most significant players at the intersection between food, technology, and sustainability. With over 2,250+ applicants from over 85 countries, we are so pleased that our innovation within the food system has been selected as one of the 500 companies honored this year.

What sets this list apart from other rankings is that the score and rank is based on more than just your end-product. Instead, all applicants were evaluated based on business size, digital footprint, and sustainability practices in relation to the globally recognized UN Sustainable Development Goals. With a top score of 284 for the highest ranked company, we are extremely proud with our overall score of 223 points and to be ranked 80th globally. This is an enormous achievement for us as a young sustainable startup and we take it as a great motivator to improve our ranking next year and continue our efforts to create positive impact with our planet friendly products.



BIO-LUTIONS is a Hamburg-based Clean Tech company that mechanically converts agricultural residues into unique, self-binding, durable fibcro® natural fibres. This patented method eliminates the need for binding agents or chemical cellulose extraction. The unique production process gives previously unused agricultural residues a second life as raw materials. These fibcro® natural fibres can now be used to produce sustainable packaging and disposable tableware, among other things. These sustainable products offer an optimal alternative to common products made of paper and plastic. The concept of decentralised production is a fundamental aspect of the BIO-LUTIONS philosophy because sustainable materials must also be sustainably sourced. The Clean Tech start-up was founded in 2017 and is currently expanding in Asia and Europe. The first factory was opened 3 years ago in Bangalore, India, and is now being followed by the approximately 1800m² production facility in Schwedt, Germany.


For more Information please contact:

Celine Brockmann – Corporate Communications and Marketing Manager BIO-LUTIONS

E-Mail: [email protected]


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09.December 2021, Germany:


Bio-based tech companies BIO-LUTIONS International AG and Zelfo Technology GmbH announce a fusion of their interests. Active in agro-fibre engineering and end product manufacturing, both innovative companies have deepened their relationship together via a share exchange.

This move comes after a long courtship of 8 years involving a virtual co-habitation of each other’s businesses and continued cooperation. Both companies have played the long game, starting with a vision beyond the accepted horizon of sustainable practice back in 2014. The mutual goal was clear: to replace disposable plastic products by finding a way to make natural fibres gained from agricultural residuals a usable raw material.

Beginning with a “no limits trial and error” approach back in 2014, the two newcomers to the moulded fibre market took on an industry with little idea of what could or wouldn’t work! Cake tins, microwaves, hot plates, hand mixers etc. were used along the way to get the basis of agricultural fibre composites to mesh together. Today, their technology includes 3 unique patents, covering fibre processing, machine components as well as wet and dry fibre molding.

The share exchange of these two innovative companies strengthens their natural alliance and paves the way for greater market impact. Fibre engineering experts ZELFO Technology and Clean Tech Startup BIO-LUTIONS with their focus on natural fibre product development and manufacturing, will further intensify their cooperation in a strategic move forward. The companies have the advantage of physical proximity – both are based in Schwedt/Oder, Germany – as well as a joint vision to rid the world of problematic single use packaging. Simply put, their collective technologies come together to create a defining circular economy offer.

“This merging of our interests has been on the horizon for some time, it is simply the logical step which will enable both companies to develop their individual and collective offers at a substantially increased rate.” Remarked Richard Hurding, Managing & Technical director of Zelfo and Eduardo Gordillo, CEO & Founder of BIO-LUTIONS International AG

The key benefit they see in joining forces and pooling both their knowledge and resources, is the ability to coordinate and streamline R&D in order to accelerate innovation and the creation of new intellectual property. Furthermore, a clear advantage of the alliance will be the ability to deliver a broader solution to their clients as more stages of raw material and product development can now be jointly addressed.




Zelfo Technology GmbH’s mission is to upgrade and valorize a wide range of cellulosic & ligno-cellulosic materials. The company’s Engineered Fibre solutions are the result of several years of know-how development resulting in a portfolio of patented systems which are powerful tools for companies looking to involve themselves in the circular economy. This is complimented by In-house expertise and a series of international partnerships which substantiate the company’s bio-based materials, design and manufacturing knowledge. Zelfo is headquartered in Brandenburg, Germany.

For more Information please contact:

Grégoire de Vilmorin – Managing Director / Business Development Zelfo Technology

E-Mail: [email protected]



BIO-LUTIONS is a Hamburg-based Clean Tech company that mechanically converts agricultural residues into unique, self-binding, durable fibcro® natural fibres. This patented method eliminates the need for binding agents or chemical cellulose extraction. The unique production process gives previously unused agricultural residues a second life as raw materials. These fibcro® natural fibres can now be used to produce sustainable packaging and disposable tableware, among other things. These sustainable products offer an optimal alternative to common products made of paper and plastic. The concept of decentralised production is a fundamental aspect of the BIO-LUTIONS philosophy because sustainable materials must also be sustainably sourced. The Clean Tech start-up was founded in 2017 and is currently expanding in Asia and Europe. The first factory was opened 3 years ago in Bangalore, India, and is now being followed by the approximately 1800mÇ production facility in Schwedt, Germany.

For more Information please contact:

Celine Brockmann – Corporate Communications and Marketing Manager BIO-LUTIONS

E-Mail: [email protected]


All illustrations: © BIO-LUTIONS

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Hamburg, 04 February 2021:


BIO-LUTIONS accelerates growth of German production site through a Pre-Series B with existing investors in the amount of 2.7 million euros

Hamburg-based CleanTech startup BIO-LUTIONS has again secured funding from its shareholders. Delivery Hero SE and other existing investors have provided 2.7 million euros in a preliminary Series B round. The more substantial Series B financing round is scheduled for later this year.

The preliminary round serves to accelerate the expansion of production at the Schwedt site in order to create larger production capacities in the future. The decision by the German parliament to adopt the EU ban on single-use plastic into German law is increasing the pressure on German industry enormously. From mid-2021, plastic straws, cutlery and other disposable plastic items are to disappear from stores in the EU.

With its sustainable packaging and disposable products made from agricultural fibers, BIO-LUTIONS offers an ideal alternative. The Hamburg-based company’s production process gives currently unused agricultural residues a second life as raw materials to replace conventional plastic and paper products.



For more information please contact:

Celine Barth Corporate – Communications and PR Manager
E-Mail: [email protected]

All illustrations: © BIO-LUTIONS


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Schwedt/Oder, 22. October 2020:



Sustainability made in Germany – Sustainable materials that can replace plastics across all sectors are a must for a modern, sustainable economy. We at BIO-LUTIONS have taken on precisely this task and produce sustainable disposable products from agricultural waste. With our purely  mechanical process we create stable structures and products without additional binding agents. The application of this innovative fibre technology was developed by our research team here in Germany, at our Schwedt technical centre. We opened our first factory 2 years ago in Bangalore, India and now follows the 2000m² production facility in Schwedt. As part of the Innovation Campus Schwedt, BIO-LUTIONS is a part of the new hub for innovative technology in Brandenburg. This location strengthens the development and innovation axis Berlin-Stettin and brings attractive jobs to the region. In the final stage of development, over 200 jobs will have been created and more than 1.5 billion product units will be produced annually. This corresponds to over 30,000 tonnes of avoided plastic waste.


The full Story:

In the industrial park at the port in Schwedt/Oder, our production facility is now being built, in which production for the European market will take place in the future. Construction started in September this year, and the official groundbreaking ceremony was held on 22 October –  in compliance with the Corona guidelines. On site were the Minister of Economic Affairs of the State of Brandenburg Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steinbach, the Mayor of the City of Schwedt/Oder Mr. Jürgen Polzehl, the speaker for sustainable area development Deputy Head of the Lower Oder Valley National Park Dr. Michael Tautenhahn, as well as other guests from politics and economy.


Completion of the first 1,830 m2 production hall is scheduled for spring 2021.

Freyler Industriebau Berlin/Brandenburg is in charge of the concept, planning and execution of the project, which comprises several construction phases. Completion of the first 1,830 m2 production hall is scheduled for spring 2021. Further construction phases will follow, including a hall of approximately 15,000 m2 and 700 m2 of office space. “The schedule is tight”, explains Eduardo Gordillo, founder of BIO-LUTIONS, “because the first products from Schwedt should be available by the middle of next year”. That’s when the EU regulation prohibiting the use of disposable cutlery and disposable plastic tableware will come into effect.



The building permit was issued in spring 2020.

As a result, the concept and construction planning had to be completed quickly. “In August 2019 we had an intensive exchange of ideas with BIO-LUTIONS at a Freyler concept day, and in autumn the planning for the first construction phase was completed,” reports Jens Wollschläger, head of the Freyler Industriebau Berlin/Brandenburg division. The building permit was issued in spring 2020. The new production hall will create around 40 new jobs in the first stage. The production hall will have a span of 27 m due to its steel supporting structure and will be divided into three sections with internal sandwich panel walls.


The 7,841 m2 site also has space for a further hall and an office building – these are to be realised in two further construction phases by 2022. Then Eduardo Gordillo also expects the workforce to grow to up to 200 employees. “In future, we want to process a total of about 72,000 tonnes of our bio-material in twelve production lines,” he continues.



Schwedt is already home to our research facilities. 

BIO-LUTIONS’ research has been based in Schwedt for several years with a test production facility and has, among other things, helped develop the innovative fibre technology on the basis of which the sustainable disposable products are now produced. Two years ago, the first factory opened in India, with Schwedt now following as the second production site. BIO-LUTIONS innovative solutions aren’t the only way the company protects the environment, the startup also sets standards in terms of environmental protection during production. For example, a special technology is used here that requires hardly any water in the production process.


BIO-LUTIONS is part of the Innovation Campus Schwedt, a new centre for technology innovation in Brandenburg. With more than 1.5 billion product units that BIO-LUTIONS intends to produce annually, more than 30,000 tonnes of plastic waste would be avoided – a truly outstanding goal for our environment and the future of our planet.


Further information:

At you can find more information about BIO-LUTIONS and our innovative product solutions.

Additional information about FREYLER Industriebau GmbH and its projects can be found at

All illustrations: © BIO-LUTIONS


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Last night BIO-LUTIONS attended the gala night of the Greentech Award 2018. We were honorred to be inivted as a finalist and enjoyed meeting such a large number of inspirational people and companies. Congratulations to all the participants and winners and thank you very much to the organizers of the Greentech Award.

Check out our Finalist Exposé by clicking the link below.